Friday, December 7, 2007

Course Outline

This outline is a weekly breakdown of overall themes and readings. Each reading has a link when available.

Week 1: Introduction to the course, requirements and expectations.

Reading: Buckland, Michael (1991). Information as Thing. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42 (No. 5): 351-360.

Available from:

Week 2: Defining organizations and organizational effectiveness.

Reading: Buckland, Michael (1989). Information handling, organizational structure, and power. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 40 (No. 5): 329-333.

Available from:

Week 3: Ethical behavior, trust, and lying.

Reading: Grover, Steven L. (1993). "Lying, deceit, and subterfuge: A model of dishonesty in the workplace." Organization Science, Vol. 4 (No. 3): 478-495.

Available from:

Software Engineering Code of Ethics:

Week 4: Organizational theories of learning, processes and models.

Reading: Choo, Chapter 1, pages 1-25, "The Knowing Organization: A Holistic View of How Organizations Use Information".

Week 5: A general model of information use.

Reading: Choo, C.W. (1991). Towards an information model of organizations. Canadian Journal of Information Science, Vol. 16 (no. 3): 32-62

Available from:

Assignment 1: Ethics

Week 6: What is organizational culture?

Reading: Park, Heejun, Ribiere, Vincent, and Schulte, Jr., William D. (2004). Critical attributes of organizational culture that promote knowledge management technology implementation success. Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 8, no. 3: 106-117.

Available from:

Week 7: Organizational identity, diversity, organizational boundaries and communities of practice.

Reading: Communities of Practice:

Reading: Milliken, Frances J. and Martins, Luis L. Martins (1996). Searching for common threads: Understanding the multiple effects of diversity in organizational groups. Academy of Management Review, 21 (2): 402-433.

Available from:

Week 8: Organizational memory.

Reading: Swap, Walter, Leonard, Dorothy, Shields, Mimi, and Abrams, Lisa (2001). Using mentoring and storytelling to transfer knowledge in the workplace. Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 1: 95-114.

Available from:

Week 9


Week 10

No class

Week 11: The role of organizational structure and leadership in organizational behavior and mid-term review.

Blackboard post: What makes a good leader?

In class group assignment: Personality and Pizza

Reading: CNN Article:

Assignment 2: Organizational Culture

Week 12: Technology, knowledge creation, and decision-making in organizations and the implicit knowledge in tools.

Reading: Bhatt, G.D. (2001). "Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people." Journal of Knowledge Management, 5 (1): 68-75.

Available from:

Week 13: Organizational innovation and change.

Reading: Sheehan, Jerry (2006). Understanding service sector innovation. Communications of the ACM, 49 (7): 43-47.

Available from:

Assignment 3: Information Quality

Week 14: Organizational success and failure and the role of information and information use: the public view.

Reading: Brown, Mary Maureen and Brudney, Jeffrey L. (2003). Learning organizations in the public sector? A study of police agencies employing information and technology to advance knowledge. Public Administration Review, vol 63, no. 1 (Jan/Feb): 30-43.

Available from:

Week 15: Factors related to remaining "competitively" effective.

Reading: Chen, Hsinchun, Chau, Michael, and Zeng, Daniel (2002). CI Spider: a tool for competitive intelligence on the Web. Decision Support Systems, vol. 34, no.1 (December): 1-17.

Available from:

Week 16: The individual in the organization: personal management issues and consequences, and social networking.

Reading: Awad, Naveen Farag and Krishnan, M.S. (2006). The personalization privacy paradox: An empirical evaluation of information transparency and the willingness to be profiled online for personalization. MIS Quarterly, 30 (1): 13-28 [March].

Available from:

Reading: Lampe, Cliff, Ellison, Nicole, and Steinfield, Charles (2007). A familiar face(book): Profile elements as signals in an online social network. ACM CHI 2007 Proceedings, April 28-May 3, San Jose, CA, pages 435-444.

Available from:

Assignment 4: Knowledge Strategy

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