Friday, December 7, 2007

Introduction Post: Explanation of Blog and Its Features

So I have decided to join the foray and throw my name into the blogosphere hat with this INLS 285 portfolio. I was given the idea to do a blog by a friend of mine who had previously taken this course. After thinking about using a blog it made good sense. I am rubbish at making websites and I do not have the patience or really the creativity to make something really good on paper. The great thing about a blog is that I can easily borrow design features from other blogs, input pictures, video, music, hyperlink to all the articles I will be discussing, make use of html markups, and a bunch of other really cool features.

Secondly I decided to do a blog because I feel like blogging is going to get more and more popular as time goes on and I will probably have to learn about it eventually. I am using Blogger as my blog client because it is owned by Google and I love Google. I will be using a variety of different methods to upload to this blog. Currently I am using the blog feature in Office 2007 which allows me to connect to this blog and add posts do it. This is great because I can use the power of Word to do all my formatting and all I have to do is hit “Publish” and it goes straight to the internet. I will also use the built-in editor in Blogger, Google Docs, and whatever features I can find in Flock, a blogging and sharing-centric web browser based on the open source code used for Firefox.

*Note at the moment I cannot actually publish from Word. It says the provider I am trying to post to is unavailable. I will have to see how long it takes to remedy the situation. *Solution: So it turns out once I hit the publish button once I cannot hit it again to repost or update an entry. So I will have to make sure my post is totally complete before I hit publish. I do not like that.

Some things to note about the layout of this blog:

  • On the navigation bar to the left you will see an advertisement. This was an option I elected to use which uses Google’s AdSense to show ads that have to do with the words I that are on this page. It could be interesting to take notice of what comes up.
  • Also the navigation bar on the left shows news feeds for a number of different searches I put in. Feel free to click on the different keywords to see the latest information science related news.

As far as discussing the class lectures and readings I plan to go over the theme of each week and talk about what I learned and what I felt was important. I may not always review the class reading, it just depends on how I felt about it. In some cases I may look up papers from outside the class and talk about them should they be relevant.

My goal for you during the reading of this blog is to get an understanding of my opinions and views about information and organizations. I plan to do this effectively by making strong, well supported arguments with plenty of citations and good evidence. I am going to take your advice Dr. Barreau and not think about my grade on this one. I will instead focus on completing the assignment in such a way that I am proud of the final product. I think this could be a good exercise for me because when I get a job I will not be explicitly graded on things. This should provide a good avenue for me to explore what I need to do to do a job well done.

Enjoy reading and feel free to comment on anything I have written.


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